Certified training

Certified training

The package includes advanced technical training on managing mobile devices with Proget. The second part of the course consists of practical exercises, during which you will use the knowledge acquired during the following thematic blocks.

The training ends with an exam confirming the acquisition of the required skills. Each participant who passes the exam will receive an official Proget System Administrator certificate.

Duration: 12 hours / 2 days

Form of participation: online

If you want to order certified training:

Proget training and services, certified training
  • Within one purchased package, a maximum of 3 employees from one company can participate in the training and certification.
  • The package includes one approach to the exam for each participant. Conducting another exam round costs 50 € (net) / person.
  • After the training, you will receive a presentation that you can use to onboard new administrators.
  • Official certificates for the company and training participants are issued electronically and in paper form and then sent to the company address provided when ordering.
Proget training and services, certified training

During the training you will learn how to:

  • implement devices into the system,
  • configure via systems such as Android Enterprise, Knox Mobile Enrollment, Apple Business Manager,
  • create and manage security policies,
  • customize and assign configuration profiles,
  • set remote responses to security incidents,
  • adjust settings to the needs of the enterprise.
Proget training and services, certified training

Training conducted in BYOL (Bring Your Own Laptop) system:

  • a current Windows or macOS (min. BigSure),
  • a current version of Chrome, Firefox or MS Edge browser,
  • Internet (min. bandwidth of 10 Mb),
  • meeting on MS Teams platform,
  • speaker + microphone + camera,
  • min. screen resolution: 1920 x 1080.
Mobile devices

The practical part of the training requires action on devices.

  • Minimum number of devices: 1 / person.
  • Recommended: 3 different devices / person.
  • The optimal combination of devices is Samsung (minimum Android 8.0 with GMS support) + Android 11.0 or later (with GMS support) + iPhone with the latest iOS update.
  • Check out the devices recommended by Android Enterprise.

Feedback from participants

Rating 5/5
‘The Proget certification training not only equipped me with technical skills but also instilled in me a deeper appreciation for the importance of mobile security and policy enforcement. The curriculum was well-structured, covering a wide range of topics from device provisioning to data encryption, ensuring that I was well-prepared to tackle real-world MDM challenges’. – Cristian

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