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Is cyber reality the reality already or is it still a faraway possibility?

Magdalena Martens-Patyńska


1 min

What is cybersecurity?

Cybersecurity is a very broad discipline that describes recommendations, technologies and procedures to secure devices, data and entire IT networks from unauthorized access, attack or damage.

Why is cybersecurity so important?

Cybersecurity is very much linked to the increasing digitization and the gradual transfer of life – not only private but also corporate – to cyberspace, where we find it increasingly easy to function. Unfortunately, unlike in real life, where we protect our privacy and resources – locking our front doors, hiding valuables in safes, not letting strangers into our homes – online, we often forget basic precautions, adapted to the current level of threats and the scale of cyber attacks. While in the private space, we mainly refer to phishing and fraud, in the business space, even the most minor data leak or systems failure can have severe consequences due to its scale.

New times – a new approach?

According to Microsoft Digital Defense 2022 report, cyber hygiene can provide 98% security. It is worth highlighting the increasingly emphasized need for security systems – not only for the entire company from the outside but also for individual areas inside it. More than creating a figurative defense wall is required since threats can come not only from the outside when there is usually a spectacular attack described in the media. More than half of security threats are rooted in the unintentional or accidental actions of an internal factor – an employee. Therefore, it is equally important to take responsibility for securing all areas where the human factor significantly impacts the actions taken. Even the most knowledgeable employee can have a worse day or reasons that change their intentions.

What are the implications of mobility?

In recent years, business operations have been moving online, with mobile devices becoming a vital tool in business management. The data shows that the average number of unsecured devices in larger organizations reaches 3,500. Therefore, one can easily imagine the scale of the threat. Ignoring this problem can make these devices an easy target for hackers, which can have unpredictable consequences. Each business device represents several liabilities and potential risks for which its owners or users are responsible.

So is it worth entrusting responsibilities to chance? More and more, the solution seems to lie in technology and tools that match the size and scope of the risks.

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