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Business Gazelles 2023 – Proget among the most dynamically developing SMEs

Agnieszka Pierlak


2 min

Business Gazelles is the oldest and most prestigious Polish company ranking in the SME sector. Each edition verifies the results for the last three years of operations according to objective criteria and identifies companies that have grown dynamically.

The list is published annually in the ‘Puls Biznesu’ magazine and confirms the credibility and good state of the awarded organizations.

To become a Business Gazelle in 2023, a company must meet the following conditions:

  • operate continuously from 2020 and achieve revenues of 3-200 million PLN during this period,
  • in each of the last 3 years, record revenue growth and have no losses.

How did we become a Business Gazelle? Our values: development, responsibility, support

Awarding Proget the title of this year’s Business Gazelle is the result of many years of hard work and commitment of the entire Team, not only in the undoubtedly difficult time for businesses during the pandemic and post-pandemic period. It also proves the pursuit of our mission, which is guided by the idea of continuous development.

For years, the Proget solution, a proprietary MDM / UEM class system for remote management of a fleet of business mobile devices, has been empowering our customers to control and secure mobility in their organizations.

We develop our product responsibly and in accordance with the highest international standards and legal requirements. We adapt the Proget system to the challenges posed by ever-evolving technologies and threats and to the market needs of our customers. In an effort to guarantee the high efficiency, quality, and professionalism of our services, we provide technical support at every stage of cooperation, starting as early as software testing.

In addition, as a member of the CyberMadeInPoland cluster and the government’s PWCyber agreement, we educate, actively build awareness and promote good practices related to cyber security.

Motivated to further development

We are delighted that our company has become a Business Gazelle of 2023. It is quite a distinction and proof that our daily work has been recognized. We want to thank all those who have contributed to this success: the Team involved in their work, the Business Partners cooperating with us, and the Customers who have placed their trust in us.

The received title motivates us to develop further and take even more intensive actions. We will continue to work to offer our customers the best solution to improve the level of security in their companies, support them in their digital transformation, and help them achieve their goals.