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Forbes Diamonds 2024 – Proget is a two-time winner of the prestigious award

Agnieszka Pierlak


2 min

Forbes magazine’s ranking presents companies with the highest average annual growth in value (at 15% or more) over the past three years. The 16th edition of this list verified financial performance and asset value from 2018-2022.

Every year, companies whose innovation puts them at the forefront of changing trends and norms in their fields are recognized. These organizations aspire to be market pioneers, creating new standards and inspiring others with their activities. Therefore, we are delighted to announce that we are among the winners of the prestigious award for the second time!

I look at the past year and how our company is developing today with great pride and joy. From a small enterprise, in just a few years we have managed to build a position as a significant player in the MDM solutions market, which now not only competes with foreign giants, but creates its own unique quality, recognizable in wide business circles.

Łukasz Czernik, CEO & Founder, Proget

Proget’s achievements in the past year: projects, partnerships, ISO 27001

The year 2023 was a time of intense changes and dynamic development for us. Our team increased by as much as 46%, attracting great specialists from various fields, which allowed us to achieve our goals and projects even more effectively. One of them, as part of membership in the Cyber Made in Poland cluster, was co-creation of the report ‘Polish Cybersecurity Market 2023-2028‘. We touched on the topic of mobile device security and the growing awareness of cybersecurity at the level of society and decision-makers.

Our presence at numerous conferences, fairs and industry meetings allowed us not only to showcase our business, commitment to innovation and knowledge sharing, but also to gain new contacts and business inspiration. Here is a short list of the most important events we attended:

Last year, we established a number of valuable new domestic partnerships (including Siltec, HAMMER brand), and some of our existing partners obtained Proget certification (PC SecureNet ComplexPlus). We have also begun fruitful export activities abroad.

Finally, we successfully passed a surveillance audit under the applicable ISO 27001 certificate, which objectively verified the compliance of our procedures with the indicated standard. The audit confirmed our commitment to continuous improvement and ensuring the highest standards of information security, as well as attention to the quality of services provided.

We are proud of what we have achieved and eagerly anticipate the future. Grateful for the ongoing support and trust from our Team, Partners, and Customers, we look forward to another year full of new opportunities!