Category: Case study

banner with OSP logo, two mobile devices laptop and tablet, document icon with magnifying glass
Case study

How Proget supports situational awareness in the Volunteer Fire Department

Agnieszka Pierlak

2 min

banner with Zarys logo, two mobile devices laptop and tablet, document icon with magnifying glass
Case study

Zarys company – rugged devices management with Proget solution

Agnieszka Pierlak

1 min

banner with Cargo Expert Group logo, two mobile devices laptop and tablet, document icon with magnifying glass
Case study

How Cargo Expert Group company cut roaming expenses with Proget

Agnieszka Pierlak

1 min

banner with logo, two mobile devices laptop and tablet, document icon with magnifying glass
Case study

Control of ticket checking equipment and remote support with Proget

Agnieszka Pierlak

1 min

banner with El-Logic logo, two mobile devices laptop and tablet, document icon with magnifying glass
Case study

How Proget has standardised the configuration of devices at El-Logic

Agnieszka Pierlak

1 min

banner with Grupa Eurozet logo, two mobile devices laptop and tablet, document icon with magnifying glass
Case study

Grupa Eurozet – ensuring the security of data processed by journalists

Agnieszka Pierlak

1 min

banner with BPBP logo, two mobile devices laptop and tablet, document icon with magnifying glass
Case study

BPBP – managing a dispersed fleet of company devices with Proget system

favicon Proget
Proget Team

1 min

banner with Daw-Trans logo, two mobile devices laptop and tablet, document icon with magnifying glass
Case study

Find out how Proget system secured Daw-Trans’ shipping documents

Magdalena Martens-Patyńska

1 min

banner with POLATOM logo, two mobile devices laptop and tablet, document icon with magnifying glass
Case study

Integration with Android Zero-Touch and on-premise deployment at Polatom

favicon Proget
Proget Team

1 min

banner with Murapol logo, two mobile devices laptop and tablet, document icon with magnifying glass
Case study

Find out how we solved the mail synchronisation problem at Murapol

favicon Proget
Proget Team

1 min

banner with Reinert Logistics logo, two mobile devices laptop and tablet, document icon with magnifying glass
Case study

Reinert Logistics challenge: keeping drivers safe and focused on the road

favicon Proget
Proget Team

1 min